Reporting Death

Inform the attending and the family.

Write a Note - Sample note below:

Date, Time.............
Called by the charge nurse to see patient for lack of respiration and pulse.
Patient's medical illness (major).................
Whether patient was coded or was DNR

Pupillary response absent
Pulse absent
Spontaneous respirations absent
Response to painful stimuli absent

Patient was pronounced dead at............(time, date)

Notification of next of kin, chaplain and attending physician. Whether an autopsy was requested and if permission granted.
Signature, pager #...................

When is the death a coroner's case? - Coroner's Office Criteria
Briefly - death within 24 hours of admission, all drug abuse cases and many more - check for the complete list.

Brain Death Criteria for Ohio
(Image will be posted)

Other Resources:
Death Pronouncement-Survival Tips for Residents- AFP
Completing the Death Certificate - Curbside Consultation- AFP 2004, AFP 02/05
The power of song by Ian Nesbitt - A memorable patient - BMJ 11/04

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